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AMA: Values-Aligned Investing

Curious about how to align your retirement savings with your values?

Join LIFT Economy's The Next Egg on Tuesday, December 12 from 1:00 to 2:30pm ET for an AMA (ask-me-anything) session featuring the following community-based investing all-stars: 

Angela Barbash (Revalue), Cameron Rhudy (National Coalition for Community Capital), Janine Firpo (Invest for Better), Jasmine Rashid (Candide), Jenny Kassan (Opportunity Main Street), Marco Vangelisti  (Essential Knowledge for Transition), Monique DeSimone (Mission Driven Finance), and Taj James (Full Spectrum Labs).

Date & Time:

Tuesday, December 12 @ 10:00 – 11:30am PT


Moderated by Nairuti Shastry (LIFT Economy, The Next Egg), this session will feature conversation on: 

  • the landscape of community-based investing in the United States; 
  • legal and financial considerations for those interested in values-aligned investing; 
  • mechanisms by which to move your money (retirement savings and otherwise) out of Wall Street into Main Street; 
  • specific case stories of successful community-based investments; and 
  • current opportunities for community-based, values-aligned investing. 







Have questions? Email Nairuti at nairuti [at] lifteconomy [dot] com.