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#1: Introduction to "Beyond the B"

The LIFT Economy Team at the 2022 B Corp Champions Retreat



Welcome to Beyond the B, a LIFT Economy podcast where Ryan Honeyman, Emmy Allison, and special guests delve into the complexities of the B Corp movement and its impact.

Our goal with this podcast is to help you explore sustainable business practices, keep you informed about new B Corp standards, and tap into the expertise of industry leaders dedicated to enhancing the B Corp movement.

In this inaugural episode, we examine how perceptions of the movement have shifted, recent certifications that have attracted controversy, why corporate responsibility is not as black and white as it seems, and much more.

For followers of the B Corp movement, this podcast offers a credible, critical, and independent voice that speaks to what is and isn’t working, isn’t afraid to discuss difficult topics, and dares to imagine a better future for all. Be sure to tune in today!


Key Points From This Episode:

  • Meet your hosts, Ryan Honeyman and Emmy Allison.
  • Why we started this podcast and what to look forward to in future episodes.
  • How the identity and perception of the B Corp movement has shifted in recent years.
  • Controversial B Corp certifications, greenwashing, and performative sustainability.
  • Tensions in the B Corp movement about who should and shouldn’t be certified.
  • Critique of the B Impact Assessment and why corporate responsibility isn’t black and white.
  • Concerns about new standards, the transition to global governance, and third-party players.
  • The impact that COVID-19 had on B Lab and the social impact movement.
  • Topics you can expect to hear about on our other podcast, Next Economy Now.
  • Your invitation to contribute to the conversation!


“All of a sudden, there was a lot of negative publicity about the B Corp Movement and – there hasn’t been a place to have those conversations in a public way that’s transparent. – Part of [the motivation behind this podcast] is to bring that to light.” — @HoneymanConsult [0:05:14]

“While we might be frustrated at the idea of a single-use product in [the B Corp] community – it is a lot harder for a company like Nespresso to be certified.” — Emmy Allison [0:14:25]

“It feels a bit unfair for B Corp to be the main differentiator. It’s a bit [of a] black and white way to think about corporate responsibility.” — Emmy Allison [0:20:18]

“There’s a lot to be said [about whether we’re] doing enough in the B Corp world and [how we] create a more equitable, regenerative, and racially just economy.” — @HoneymanConsult [0:31:22]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

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