Beyond the B Podcast

#5: Can B Corps be More Regenerative? w/ Heather Paulsen

Written by Ryan Honeyman | Jul 23, 2024 10:00:00 AM


Unlearning entrenched beliefs is difficult work, but if we want to solve the pressing problems of today, then we need to move beyond the thinking that got us here. Joining us is Heather Paulsen, a Sustainability, Strategy & Project Management Consultant, to discuss B Corp standards, regenerative business, and what can help us build the next economy together.

With a 10-year career as a B Corp consultant, Heather has developed a nuanced understanding of the needs of her clients and has seen firsthand the positive impact of B Corp standards. But she has also come to recognize the need to move beyond these standards and evolve business practices even further. That’s where regenerative business comes in. 

Heather explains how she was first introduced to the concept in Carol Sanford’s book, "Regenerative Business," and how it shifted her mindset, before discussing the importance of unlearning old paradigms, and the key differences between transactional and regenerative approaches in business and consulting. The conversation covers practical steps for implementing regenerative business practices, how Heather assists her clients, and the many ways she has seen it lead to profound organizational change.

For those curious about what's next for their organizations and eager to explore regenerative business design, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in to discover how embracing regenerative business practices can unlock immense potential and drive meaningful change!


Key Points From This Episode:

  • The serendipitous story of how Heather became involved with the B Corp community.
  • How a PMP (Project Management Professional) can support the B Corp certification process.
  • Key milestones in Heather’s 10-year career as a B Corp consultant.
  • The influence of Carol Sanford’s book, The Regenerative Business, on Heather's mindset.
  • Acknowledging what B Corp standards have achieved, and unpacking where we go from here.
  • What Heather has learned from being part of Carol Sanford’s Seed Community.
  • How her perspective on business practices and B Corp standards has evolved.
  • The inherent challenges to helping businesses on their regenerative journey.
  • Signs that a business is ready to undertake this journey and how Heather supports them.
  • The challenge of questioning and unlearning entrenched beliefs, and why it’s necessary.
  • Practical applications of regenerative principles in Heather's consulting work.
  • Transitioning from transactional to living systems perspectives.
  • Examples of regenerative business design transforming organizations.
  • Reading recommendations for learning more about regenerative business design.
  • Why we can’t solve today’s problems with the same thinking that got us here.
  • Heather’s vision for the future of regenerative business.
  • How businesses can start asking the right questions for transformation.


 “What I've started to see – is that B Corp standards are the best [thing] we have to create a well-rounded, resilient, and responsible business. [But] simply having a responsible business is still leaving business leaders asking, ‘Okay, now what?’” — Heather Paulsen [0:14:52]

“What I have found – and what I believe to be true about companies who will take on this work – is that leadership has to be genuinely curious. And they have to genuinely believe that we have so much to learn here.” — Heather Paulsen [0:22:51]

“[For] the clients that I've been able to work [with] explicitly, in this regenerative design approach, it's been fascinating to see the up-leveling of trust among their teams, [the] openness, [and] ability to have difficult conversations constructively.” — Heather Paulsen [0:32:53]

“They're still doing their day-to-day work, the business is still going, but it's from a very different mindset. And so their culture internally is starting to shift.” — Heather Paulsen [0:33:30]

“We can't solve today's issues with the same mind that got us here.” — Heather Paulsen [0:38:24]

“We're used to looking to experts for the answers, and then just implementing what the experts say. And that's both completely lazy and totally appealing.” — Heather Paulsen [0:38:48]

“From a regenerative living systems perspective, my belief is that each of us as individuals, has incredible life experience to draw from. We already have the answers if we know how to watch our thinking. We can rely on the expertise of others for sure, but not to outsource our thinking.” — Heather Paulsen [0:39:20]

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

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Thank you to Corey Lien and Nozomii Torii for being our first monthly contributors at Beyond the B!